Archive for March, 2023

Screenshot from Duolingo, translation from French to English is: I like walking; I don't take the car.
Screenshot from Duolingo.

You can listen to this episode above, on Libysn and you can also download it on (53mins, 36MB). Subscribe to our podcast on your favourite app – we’re on a bunch including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music/Audible and Podcast Addict.

We discuss no longer being car-free but still believing cars are the number one enemy, individual and structural actions for sustainable transport and food systems, and visible versus invisible disabilities. In discussing how effective different actions are in tackling climate change, we refer to the article The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions by Seth Wynes and Kimberly Nicholas.

Graph showing low, moderate and high impact actions for the climate.
This image is from the Wynes and Nicholas article linked to above.

We also do some taste testing of vegan products from the Vegan Grocery Store, featuring: Future Farm Plant-Based Tuna, Chuckie Creme Egg and Hands Off My Chocolate Bites – Candy Choc Crispy. This vegan tasting segment is NOT a paid advertisement or sponsored segment or anything like that, it’s just something we felt like doing!

Please support our show by giving us nice ratings and reviews on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Audible or whatever app you listen to our show on – thanks 🙂


Who Sold Out Now? by Ignite.

If you enjoy the music we play on our show, check out our Spotify playlist ‘Progressive Podcast Australia Music and Comedy’! Nick also gives daily music recommendations on Twitter @NicksSong and on the Spotify playlist ‘Song of the Day by NicksSong’.